

Vision 2020| "optometry industry branch" online summit forum was successfully held

Release time:2020-06-27 17:45:34 sources: Reading times: second

June 7, the national health industry enterprises management association depending on light industry branch (hereinafter referred to as the OIS) 2020 online BBS is launched, the theme of "wonderful vision visual 2020 looking forward", in view of the present COVID - 19 epidemic prevention and control form, the OIS BBS through online live form, to meet with everyone, 50000 + people participate in, watch, caused the extensive concern of the industry.

In this year's era of "online courses" for all, the concept of eye health has attracted unprecedented attention. Prevention and control of myopia is almost a must. In the past 66 eye-care days, a huge popularization of eye-care and eye-care has been launched nationwide.

Vision 2020 focuses on general eye health
Use your eyes properly and pay attention to your child's eye health
Scientific prevention and control of myopia will lead to a bright future
Fundus a photograph, eye disease early know
Care for cataract patients and share a clear vision
Control blood sugar and check fundus to prevent blindness caused by diabetes
Pay attention to rehabilitation of low vision and improve visual quality

Online sharing

14:00 PM, the first session of the forum entitled "Prevention and Control of Myopia and Corneal shaping Mirror" kicked off. Moderated by Peng Zisu, Chen Zhi, Wang Kai, Mei Ying, Yu Jifeng, MAO Xinjie and Song Hongxin gave a special sharing.

The requirement of corneal plastic mirror is very high, people are receiving information while also with a lot of doubts, this forum specially set up expert interactive link, Wang Kai, Mei Ying, MAO Xinjie and Song Hongxin online at the same time, conducted detailed communication with the questioner, for optometry practitioners and patients with eye diseases to answer questions.

Well packaged

The first edition of the OIS online forum closed at 16:00 PM. Different from the previous edition, the forum is online and live. It covers a wide range of areas, has attracted a large number of participants, and has been spread by various media in the industry.
With updated forms, rich first-line clinical experience and the latest cutting-edge technologies, this online forum provides a broader stage for the scholars who have both clinical experience and scientific thinking. OIS is open, inclusive and cutting-edge. This is the main idea that President Li Jie has conveyed to us over and over again. As more and more optometrists emerge and become known to the public, the industry will continue to thrive.
Surely you have not heard enough in two short hours. Don't worry, we will bring you "Eye Health Management and Optometry Profession" and "Innovation and Challenge of optometry Industry" in early July and early August respectively. Please stay waiting!
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